I never got around to posting the end result on the latest muse i was working on... way back last year.
A lot has happened since then, I quit my boring job, became a Freelance Artist, moved to SoCal and now find myself redefining my style and my artistic orientation. Animation used to be my whole world, but working for a dead end job for the past 3+ years was killing every creative fiber I had within me. Now that I am free of that burden, I find myself feeling lighter and HAPPIER then I've felt in a very long time and I guess my dreams of becoming a famous painter like Frida Kahlo came back knocking, cause the desire to (though i still love it) kill myself, working endless hours on the same 120 frames till that one swooping motion on my character is perfect, so I can move on to the additional 16,000 more frames that are waiting for me... very patiently, to my sad frustrations, has all gone. Yeah!!! painting endless nights in my studio, getting my hands dirty and my clothes spattered with paint, glue, ink and whatever falls with in reach, is much more fun then sitting at a computer all day.
I must say, I do miss animation and I think eventually I will pick it up some time not to soon, but for now, I am enjoying myself as a Artist!!! :)